Volcanoes - Alia's school research

.There are about 1500 active volcanoes in the world
that have erupted in the past 10000 years.
. the biggest volcano in the world is Mauna Lou in

Volcanic Eruptions
As well as the danger from the hot lava, an erupting volcano can trigger are life threatening things.
  • tsunamis
  • flash floods
  • earthquakes
  • mud flows
  • rock falls.
volcanoEffect of Volcanoes on people and the environment
Volcanoes can have a very serious effect on the lands and people around them when they erupt.
  • Buildings are destroyed and people are made homeless.
  • People are killed.
  • Clouds of ash cover plants making them inedible.
  • Poisonous gases kill people and animals.
  • Dust causes pneumonia and illnesses to the survivors.
  • Dark skies, severe winds and heavy rains may follow an eruption for months afterwards.
volcano People and Volcanoes
People can get used to living near a volcano, but it is always a little dangerous. Scientists have estimated that at least 200,000 persons have lost their lives as a result of volcanic eruptions during the



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