Newsletter Tadika Ariana

Newsletter Pre- School 3-5 ‘s

January 2010

We have been very busy this month in the Pre- School room.


We enjoyed playing in the snow and painted a snowman. We learned about how water freezes and melts by experimenting –“putting snow into the water tray and making ice cubes in the freezer.”


We focused on using the mouse on the computer correctly. We practiced writing our names and played “The Ace Monkey” computer game teaching us about number, colours and shapes. We took some photographs and learned how to” use the camera.”


We have been practicing to write our name properly. We have been sharing the books the children brought to the nursery at story time.

Social Studies

The children celebrated Burns Day by painting thistles and the Scottish flag .We glued tartan onto kilts and tasted haggis turnips and potatoes which Louise brought in.

Staff Training

The Pre School staff has been receiving training for The Curriculum For Excellence and it is going well.

Al the staff passed the Infection Control exam.

Sparkle Arts

Sparkle Arts is still visiting on Tuesdays and the children are thoroughly enjoying the music and dance session.

Health and Wellbeing

The house corner was turned into a hospital and the shop into a chemist. The children enjoyed Role-play and using the doctors’ instruments. We also had a real Blood Pressure monitor which Ali supervised.


In November we measured the children’s heights .We will measure again in May.

2010 Calendars Fundraising

The children’s individually made Calendars are now available to buy. The cost is £2

Please do not hesitate to speak to me at any time if you have any suggestions or concerns.

I am available to discuss your child’s progress or any other matter on the Ist Monday of every month between 6.00p.m to 7.00 pm. (Appointments only)



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