
Showing posts from June, 2010


Love knows no reasons.  Love knows no lies.  Love defies all reasons.  Love has no eyes.  Love is not blind; it sees but it doesn't mind.  Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.  Love is so easy to feel, so hard to explain; easy to get, so hard to let go; easy to spell, so hard to define. * Found in the web

Ariana: The name game

Your four year old, fifth month The name game You might have spent months picking out just the right name for your child. And now she's mighty proud of it. Young children come to feel very possessive about their name — and the letters that make it up. One of the first words a child tries to spell, in fact, is her own name. This often happens months before she has much interest in spelling other words.  N.B: Actually, Farah Ariana tak lak cam ni :). Her favourite letters are H, M, O and A. Not sure why.

Notes of love

Thank you Alia and Ariana for your loves. From ayah & mama.

Satu petang kat sekolah

Alia baru masuk P3. Hari yang cantik. Semua muka ceria. 24 Ogos 2009

Our learnings aims

Little khalifahs who are:- 1. Successful learners 2. Confident individuals 3. Responsible citizens 4. Effective contributors

Anak-anak & ayah kat Arthur's Seat

Selasa 18 Mei 2010

Active Learning


Alia & kawan-kawan

Alia dan kawan-kawan masa birthday party Leah. Siap ada sesi tunggang kuda. Suka la Farah Alia. 14 Mei 2010

Ariana basuh pinggan

Ariana dah pandai basuh pinggan. First time tolong ayah kat dapur. Well done. 14 Mei 2010

Komen cikgu Ariana

"Thank you for bringing her here.  Thank you for letting her be with us. She is such a lovely girl." 21 June 2010

Anak ayah kat Arthur's Seat

Awal pagi 18 Mei 2010

Majlis berinai

Inai - sampai la ayah tak faham. Apa yang best sangat? Macam colour kuku je kan Janji anak-anak gembira  :)

Anak-anak dan ayah

Having fun kat airport

Teman Sejati

Dah lama ayah suka nasyid ni :)