
Showing posts from May, 2010

Gembira bersama mama


Sport day Alia



Ni kawan ayah baru belajaq main piano. Nanti Alia pun boleh buat video yang sama. Kawan ayah main piano

Ayah masa di kolej

Ni ayah masa belajar A-Level kat PPP Shah Alam. Kelas 12C 1993-94

Number works - Speed

1. When should ayah drives at 70 mph? 2. Why do you think the speed limit is 30 mph at built-up areas such as shopping and housing areas?

Best and worst paying college degrees

Best and worst paying college degrees By Neil Faulkner We look at the value of a university education, tell you which degree is the best value and explain the premium you earn for post-graduate training. Graduates could be asked to pay back their student loans earlier and at a higher rate of interest, after a group of the UK's leading universities demanded more investment to avert a £1.1bn funding crisis. The Russell Group, which represents the UK's top 20 leading universities, told the Government that the current repayment rate on student loans was "generous" and that "it might be reasonably increased without putting undue pressure on low earners". PUBLICIDAD <a href="

Keluarga di Seremban


Facts of life?



Design by Farah Ariana Sold for GBP2

Murah rezeki

Nabi Muhammad SAW kata: "Kalau kita suka sedekah atau beri binatang makan, Allah akan murahkan rezeki kita." Bila Ariana dan Alia bagi burung dan tupai makan, kita gembira kerana:- 1. makanan habis dan tak membazir 2. boleh tengok tupai makan dan burung mandi.

Hari Ibu

Dari Farah Alia dan Farah Ariana

Dengan nama Allah

Sebelum kita buat apa-apa - oleh Farah Alia

Main scooter



by Farah Alia

Parenting Tips Khalifah Training

Parenting Tips Khalifah Training I am raising my child to be a successful vicegerent (Khalifah) of Allah, who will help create a truly Islamic World. Today I will try my best to know and understand all the influences upon my child's development. Today I will try my best to help my child understand the power of negative influences to take him/her away from Allah, and the power of positive influences to take him/her to Allah. Today I will try my best to shield my child from the power of the negative influences to take him/her away from Allah. Today I will try my best to enhance (increase) the power of the positive influences upon my child to take him/her toward Allah. Today I will try my best to notice some positive things my child does or says, and tell him/her how much those things are appreciated by me and by Allah. Today I will try my best to say nothing negative to my child. Even if I have to correct my child's wrong behavior I will try my best to find some positive way to d...

Inspirasi Nursery Ayah

# 1. Masih banyak nak kena belajar dan amalkan bersama-sama dengan anak-anak. # 2. Not bad :). Boleh ditingkatkan lagi. # 3. Hmmm... consistent & without harshness. Still nak kena tahan sabar dan cabar kreativiti diri untuk mendidik anak-anak.