
Showing posts from August, 2009

Never give up

Never give up, anak-anak ayah " Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever." Lance Amstrong

Jom caj Iman

”Tiga perkara menyebabkan terasa kemanisan iman,Allah dan Rasul-nya hendaklah dicintai lebih daripada yang lain,mencintai manusia kerana Allah semata-mata dan benci untuk kembali kepada kekufuran sebagaimana bencinya seseorang jika dicampakkan ke dalam api neraka”(Riwayat Al-Bukhari dan Muslim) Iman memberi motivasi dengan semangat untuk terus tekun berusaha,supaya manusia tidak bergantung kepada takdir semata-mata untuk mencapai kejayaan hidup:- ”Dan carilah apa-apa yang dikurniakan Allah kepada(kebahagiaan)akhirat dan janganlah kamu melupakan kebahagian dari(nikmat)dunia dan berbuat baiklah sebagaimana Allah berbuat baik terhadapMu” (Al-Qasas:77)

Anak-anak ayah dan mama :)


Our deepest fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our dark that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people don't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. Its not just in some of us; its in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsiously give other people to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. Timo Cruz, from the movie Coach Carter

Jalan-jalan Scotland - April 2009

Oban Atas bukit Roman ruin, Oban lagi Tepi tasik ... on the way balik via Glasgow Dunstaffnage Castle, Oban * ada teluk kat belakang castle - lawa.

Farah Alia suka gambaq ni


Kesukaan ayah


Pak Cik & Mak Cik mai Edinburgh 2

Strawberry Picking and eating :)

Pak Cik & Mak Cik mai Edinburgh


Bestnye summer 9 Ogos 2009

Nasib baik pegang kuat. Tepi Canal Union, Edinburgh 9 Ogos 2009

I get Five more minutes to watch her play

Just Five More Minutes (by: Author Unknown, Source Unknown) While at the park one day, a woman sat down next to a man on a bench near a playground. “That’s my son over there,” she said, pointing to a little boy in a red sweater who was gliding down the slide. “He’s a fine looking boy” the man said. “That’s my daughter on the bike in the white dress.” Then, looking at his watch, he called to his daughter. “What do you say we go, Melissa?” Melissa pleaded, “Just five more minutes, Dad. Please? Just five more minutes.” The man nodded and Melissa continued to ride her bike to her heart’s content. Minutes passed and the father stood and called again to his daughter. “Time to go now?” Again Melissa pleaded, “Five more minutes, Dad. Just five more minutes.” The man smiled and said, “OK.” “My, you certainly are a patient father,” the woman responded. The man smiled and then said, “Her older brother Tommy was killed by a drunk driver last year while he was riding his bike near here. I never spe...

Pak Teh kahwin

Ayah tak tahan tengok gambaq ni. Merah sangat :)

Tuk kat UK - Nov 2007

Tuk Wan dah balik Malaysia. Tak tahan sejukkk!!!

Food for thoughts

"The (real) prisoner is the one whose heart has been kept away from remembering his Lord, and the (real) captive is the one who has captivated by his whims and desires." Ibn Taymiyyah (661-728 A.H)

Hadiah bestday ayah


Quran Memorisation

I've never heard this hadith before. Wish I knew it earlier and never give up in memorising and understanding the meaning of Quran. Aishah RA narrates that Rasulullah SAW once said:" One who is well versed in the Quran will be in the company of those angels who are scribes, noble and righteous, and one who falters in reading the Quran, and has to exert hard for learning, gets double the reward." "One who falter" - will get double reward, one for his reading the Quran and the second for his effort in reading and trying to memorising it. Hence, one who cherishes to memorising the Quran and does not possess the ability to do so, but does not give up his efforts, will be reckoned by Allah among the Huffas on the day of judgement. * Adapted from a feature in "Believing Women", a newsletter by female scholars of Glasgow.

Ayah loves these


Some Exhibits

Kelvingroove Museum

Posing untuk ayah



The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of all. They simply appreciate what they find on their way. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; They just make the most of everything that comes along their way.

Sepetang di tepi Sungai Clyde

Mula-mula pi car boot Lanark... kemudian tengok burung hantu Lepas tu baru la picnic dan jalan-jalan tepi sungai dan jalan-jalan dalam "woods" - bak kata Ariana Posing atas jambatan noo... - Jun 2009 -

Poster anak-anak

Allah suka orang-orang yang tak membazir - Farah Alia - - Farah Ariana - "You should be proud of yourself" kalau you tak membazir.

Selepas 2 tahun

Selepas 2 tahun duduk kat Edinburgh, barulah pertama kali jalan-jalan pusing Arthur's Seat untuk British Skin Foundation Walk. 2 batu - 2 jam.... jenuh jalan. Yang duduk atas push chair pun penat. Mana tak 2 jam, siap berenti posing lagi. Nice day out... thanks Alia for being very strong and walk all the way. Tahun depan kita pi lari "Edinburgh Run" lak.