
Showing posts from June, 2009

My birthday 2009.

My birthday is a very speshil day to me. Now i am 6 to 7 years from 2009. In 5 weeks time from the holidays. Soon it will be the last day from this week & i am going to be happy all the time. The End

and these


I will miss these faces ...


Kakak dan adik

Ogos 2008

Raya lagi

Cucu-cucu, cicit-cicit dan tuk nek

Balik Kampung - Raya 2008, Kg Bukit Meriam

Balik Kampung - Raya 2008, Kg Bukit Meriam

Aman dan Hakim di Edinburgh

dengan cousins Alia & Ariana

Kakak dan adik

h Give them each other...

In Liverpool with love...

my so successful Dr Cool-it

Playground time


Macam-macam di Edinburgh

Background Arthur's Seat Roman ruin atas Carlton Hill Atas Carlton Hill Best pegang telinga? z

Nursery school Ariana


My gerek


Picnic lepas car boot


Gambaq lagi


Ariana : three year old, fifth month

Your child's imagination Your child's imagination is beginning to blossom now. Three year olds are keen observers of the world around them, and creative play is the way they rehearse and absorb all those new ideas. A three year old's mind becomes capable of seeing an object as more than one thing: a stick can also be transformed into a sword, a magic wand or a snake

Panjat Arthur Seat 2

Gambaq2 je...


Why ayah like watching & observing them? On stage: They showed courage, bravery and teamwork. They're diverse - it takes a lot to be one! Creative side: mmg excellent. They improved each day. full of Ideas. Teamwork: A clear leader and inspirational to help others. The team look up at him and supports him. Behind the scene: Perspiration - work hard, try hard, and believe that they are good. in fact they are the best! Diversity 1 - Diversity 2 - Semi Final Diversity 3 - Final, the winning performance

Alia first email

hello Humaira what are you doing ? I miss you so much. when i am at Malaysia i might come to your house but i just have to make sure you all are at home. Remember those two questions you ask me well i am at home & well it is not easy to answer this but it is summer & spring & raining. So what are you doing & what are you planing to do at merliashr .So take care of everything from farah On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 8:57 AM, Afifah Humaira Rahman > wrote: salam farah where are you now?are you at home or are at schooL to day?I did not go to school today.Is it snowing there or is it spring today. from humaira.

It's helping

Farah Alia dan Power Rangers Selalunya Farah Alia tak suka tengok Power rangers sebab dia tak suka "fighting fighting". tetapi, pagi ni dia buka dan tengok cerita tu. Ayah: "Kenapa ari ni suka tengok Power rangers lak? Selalu tak suka sebab fighting fighting?. Alia : "Ni bukan fighting fighting la ayah. It is helping (people)." Jawapan yang bagus dan ayah pun tak terfikir konsep tu. Well done!